class ngraph::runtime::reference::Span


Span should mimic std::span. More…

#include <span.hpp>

template <typename Element>
class Span
    // typedefs

    typedef Element value_type;
    typedef std::size_t size_type;

    // construction

    Span(Element \* data, std::size_t size);

    // methods

    constexpr Element \* begin() const;
    constexpr Element \* end() const;
    constexpr std::size_t size() const;
    constexpr bool empty() const;
    constexpr Element& front() const;
    constexpr Element& back() const;
    constexpr Element& operator [] (std::size_t idx) const;
    Element& at(std::size_t idx) const;

    Span subspan(
        std::size_t offset,
        std::size_t size = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()
        ) const;

    Span& drop_front(std::size_t number_of_elements);
    Span& drop_back(std::size_t number_of_elements);

Detailed Documentation

Span should mimic std::span.


Span subspan(
    std::size_t offset,
    std::size_t size = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()
    ) const

return sub part of span starting from offset and not greater than size

Span& drop_front(std::size_t number_of_elements)

drop number of elements from front

Span& drop_back(std::size_t number_of_elements)

drop number of elements from back