class ov::Model


A user-defined model. More…

#include <model.hpp>

class Model: public std::enable_shared_from_this< Model >
    // typedefs

    typedef std::function<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ov::Node>>(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ov::Node>>&root_nodes)> topological_sort_t;

    // fields

    static const ov::DiscreteTypeInfo type_info;

    // construction

        const ov::NodeVector& results,
        const ov::ParameterVector& parameters,
        const std::string& name = ""

        const ov::OutputVector& results,
        const ov::ParameterVector& parameters,
        const std::string& name = ""

        const std::shared_ptr<ov::Node>& result,
        const ov::ParameterVector& parameters,
        const std::string& name = ""

        const ov::ResultVector& results,
        const ov::ParameterVector& parameters,
        const std::string& name = ""

        const ov::ResultVector& results,
        const ov::SinkVector& sinks,
        const ov::ParameterVector& parameters,
        const std::string& name = ""

        const ov::OutputVector& results,
        const ov::SinkVector& sinks,
        const ov::ParameterVector& parameters,
        const std::string& name = ""

        const ov::ResultVector& results,
        const ov::SinkVector& sinks,
        const ov::ParameterVector& parameters,
        const ov::op::util::VariableVector& variables,
        const std::string& name = ""

        const ov::OutputVector& results,
        const ov::SinkVector& sinks,
        const ov::ParameterVector& parameters,
        const ov::op::util::VariableVector& variables,
        const std::string& name = ""

        const ov::ResultVector& results,
        const ov::ParameterVector& parameters,
        const ov::op::util::VariableVector& variables,
        const std::string& name = ""

        const ov::OutputVector& results,
        const ov::ParameterVector& parameters,
        const ov::op::util::VariableVector& variables,
        const std::string& name = ""

    Model(const ov::OutputVector& results, const std::string& name = "");

        const ov::OutputVector& results,
        const ov::SinkVector& sinks,
        const std::string& name = ""

    Model(const Model&);

    // methods

    static _OPENVINO_HIDDEN_METHODconst ::ov::DiscreteTypeInfo& get_type_info_static();
    const ::ov::DiscreteTypeInfo& get_type_info() const;
    size_t get_output_size() const;
    std::shared_ptr<ov::Node> get_output_op(size_t i) const;
    std::shared_ptr<ov::Model> clone() const;
    std::vector<ov::Output<ov::Node>> outputs();
    ov::Output<ov::Node> output();
    ov::Output<ov::Node> output(size_t i);
    ov::Output<ov::Node> output(const std::string& tensor_name);
    std::vector<ov::Output<const ov::Node>> outputs() const;
    ov::Output<const ov::Node> output() const;
    ov::Output<const ov::Node> output(size_t i) const;
    ov::Output<const ov::Node> output(const std::string& tensor_name) const;
    std::vector<ov::Output<ov::Node>> inputs();
    ov::Output<ov::Node> input();
    ov::Output<ov::Node> input(size_t i);
    ov::Output<ov::Node> input(const std::string& tensor_name);
    std::vector<ov::Output<const ov::Node>> inputs() const;
    ov::Output<const ov::Node> input() const;
    ov::Output<const ov::Node> input(size_t i) const;
    ov::Output<const ov::Node> input(const std::string& tensor_name) const;
    ov::Output<ov::Node> add_output(const std::string& tensor_name);
    ov::Output<ov::Node> add_output(const std::string& op_name, size_t output_idx);
    ov::Output<ov::Node> add_output(const ov::Output<ov::Node>& port);
    void reshape(const ov::PartialShape& partial_shape);
    void reshape(const std::map<size_t, ov::PartialShape>& partial_shapes);
    void reshape(const std::map<std::string, ov::PartialShape>& partial_shapes);
    void reshape(const std::map<ov::Output<ov::Node>, ov::PartialShape>& partial_shapes);
    const ov::element::Type& get_output_element_type(size_t i) const;
    const Shape& get_output_shape(size_t i) const;
    const PartialShape& get_output_partial_shape(size_t i) const;
    std::shared_ptr<ov::Node> get_result() const;
    const std::string& get_name() const;
    void set_friendly_name(const std::string& name);
    const std::string& get_friendly_name() const;
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ov::Node>> get_ops() const;
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ov::Node>> get_ordered_ops() const;
    void map_unordered_ops(std::function<void(ov::Node \*)> f) const;
    void replace_node(std::shared_ptr<ov::Node> old, std::shared_ptr<ov::Node> repl);
    void validate_nodes_and_infer_types() const;
    size_t get_graph_size() const;
    bool is_dynamic() const;

    void replace_parameter(
        size_t parameter_index,
        const std::shared_ptr<ov::op::v0::Parameter>& parameter

    void set_topological_sort(topological_sort_t);
    virtual bool visit_attributes(ov::AttributeVisitor& visitor);
    const ov::ParameterVector& get_parameters() const;
    const ov::ResultVector& get_results() const;
    int64_t get_parameter_index(const std::shared_ptr<ov::op::v0::Parameter>& parameter) const;
    int64_t get_result_index(const ov::Output<ov::Node>& value) const;
    int64_t get_result_index(const ov::Output<const ov::Node>& value) const;

    bool evaluate(
        const ov::HostTensorVector& output_tensors,
        const ov::HostTensorVector& input_tensors,
        ov::EvaluationContext evaluation_context = ov::EvaluationContext()
        ) const;

    bool evaluate(
        ov::TensorVector& output_tensors,
        const ov::TensorVector& input_tensors,
        ov::EvaluationContext evaluation_context = ov::EvaluationContext()
        ) const;

    const ov::SinkVector& get_sinks() const;
    void add_sinks(const ov::SinkVector& sinks);
    void remove_sink(const std::shared_ptr<ov::op::Sink>& sink);
    void add_results(const ov::ResultVector& results);
    void remove_result(const std::shared_ptr<ov::op::v0::Result>& result);
    void add_parameters(const ov::ParameterVector& params);
    void remove_parameter(const std::shared_ptr<ov::op::v0::Parameter>& param);
    void add_variables(const ov::op::util::VariableVector& variables);
    void remove_variable(const ov::op::util::Variable::Ptr& variable);
    const ov::op::util::VariableVector& get_variables() const;
    ov::op::util::Variable::Ptr get_variable_by_id(const std::string& variable_id) const;
    RTMap& get_rt_info();
    const RTMap& get_rt_info() const;
    Model& operator = (const Model&);
    Model& operator = (Model&&);

Detailed Documentation

A user-defined model.


Model(const ov::OutputVector& results, const std::string& name = "")

Constructs a Model. Lists of parameters and variables will be generated automatically based on traversing the graph from the results.

    const ov::OutputVector& results,
    const ov::SinkVector& sinks,
    const std::string& name = ""

Constructs a Model. Lists of parameters and variables will be generated automatically based on traversing the graph from the results and the sinks.


size_t get_output_size() const

Return the number of outputs for this Model.

std::shared_ptr<ov::Node> get_output_op(size_t i) const

Return the op that generates output i.

std::shared_ptr<ov::Model> clone() const

Clones the original model.

std::vector<ov::Output<ov::Node>> outputs()

Model outputs.

std::vector<ov::Output<ov::Node>> inputs()

Model inputs.

const ov::element::Type& get_output_element_type(size_t i) const

Return the element type of output i.

const Shape& get_output_shape(size_t i) const

Return the shape of element i.

const PartialShape& get_output_partial_shape(size_t i) const

Return the partial shape of element i.

std::shared_ptr<ov::Node> get_result() const

Check that there is a single result and return it.

const std::string& get_name() const

Get the unique name of the model.


A const reference to the model’s unique name.

void set_friendly_name(const std::string& name)

Sets a friendly name for a model. This does not overwrite the unique name of the model and is retrieved via get_friendly_name(). Used mainly for debugging.



is the friendly name to set

const std::string& get_friendly_name() const

Gets the friendly name for a model. If no friendly name has been set via set_friendly_name then the model’s unique name is returned.


A const reference to the model’s friendly name.

size_t get_graph_size() const

Returns the sum of the size of all nodes in the graph plus the size of all constant data. This has little value beyond comparing the relative size of graphs and should not be considered the actual memory consumption of a graph.

bool is_dynamic() const

Returns true if any of the op’s defined in the model contains partial shape.

void replace_parameter(
    size_t parameter_index,
    const std::shared_ptr<ov::op::v0::Parameter>& parameter

Replace the parameter_index th parameter of the model with parameter.

All users of the parameter_index th parameter are redirected to parameter, and the parameter_index th entry in the model parameter list is replaced with parameter.



The index of the parameter to replace.


The parameter to substitute for the parameter_index th parameter.

const ov::ParameterVector& get_parameters() const

Return the model parameters.

const ov::ResultVector& get_results() const

Return a list of model’s outputs.

int64_t get_parameter_index(const std::shared_ptr<ov::op::v0::Parameter>& parameter) const

Index for parameter, or -1.

int64_t get_result_index(const ov::Output<ov::Node>& value) const

Return the index of this model’s Result represented by the “value” Output object. This method returns -1 if an the passed output is not related to the Results of a model.



Output containing Node

int64_t get_result_index(const ov::Output<const ov::Node>& value) const

Return the index of this model’s Result represented by the “value” Output object. This method returns -1 if an the passed output is not related to the Results of a model.



Output containing Node

bool evaluate(
    const ov::HostTensorVector& output_tensors,
    const ov::HostTensorVector& input_tensors,
    ov::EvaluationContext evaluation_context = ov::EvaluationContext()
    ) const

Evaluate the model on inputs, putting results in outputs.

Deprecated Use evaluate with ov::Tensor instead



Tensors for the outputs to compute. One for each result


Tensors for the inputs. One for each inputs.


Storage of additional settings and attributes that can be used when evaluating the model. This additional information can be shared across nodes.

bool evaluate(
    ov::TensorVector& output_tensors,
    const ov::TensorVector& input_tensors,
    ov::EvaluationContext evaluation_context = ov::EvaluationContext()
    ) const

Evaluate the model on inputs, putting results in outputs.



Tensors for the outputs to compute. One for each result


Tensors for the inputs. One for each inputs.


Storage of additional settings and attributes that can be used when evaluating the model. This additional information can be shared across nodes.

const ov::SinkVector& get_sinks() const

Return a list of model’s sinks.

void add_sinks(const ov::SinkVector& sinks)

Add new sink nodes to the list. Method doesn’t validate graph, it should be done manually after all changes.



new sink nodes

void remove_sink(const std::shared_ptr<ov::op::Sink>& sink)

Delete sink node from the list of sinks. Method doesn’t delete node from graph.



Sink to delete

void add_results(const ov::ResultVector& results)

Add new Result nodes to the list. Method doesn’t validate graph, it should be done manually after all changes.



new Result nodes

void remove_result(const std::shared_ptr<ov::op::v0::Result>& result)

Delete Result node from the list of results. Method will not delete node from graph.



Result node to delete

void add_parameters(const ov::ParameterVector& params)

Add new Parameter nodes to the list.

Method doesn’t change or validate graph, it should be done manually. For example, if you want to replace ReadValue node by Parameter, you should do the following steps:

  • replace node ReadValue by Parameter in graph

  • call add_parameter() to add new input to the list

  • call graph validation to check correctness of changes



new Parameter nodes

void remove_parameter(const std::shared_ptr<ov::op::v0::Parameter>& param)

Delete Parameter node from the list of parameters. Method will not delete node from graph. You need to replace Parameter with other operation manually. Attention: Indexing of parameters can be changed.

Possible use of method is to replace input by variable. For it the following steps should be done:

  • Parameter node should be replaced by ReadValue

  • call remove_parameter(param) to remove input from the list

  • check if any parameter indexes are saved/used somewhere, update it for all inputs because indexes can be changed

  • call graph validation to check all changes



Parameter node to delete

void add_variables(const ov::op::util::VariableVector& variables)

Add new variables to the list. Method doesn’t validate graph, it should be done manually after all changes.



new variables to add

void remove_variable(const ov::op::util::Variable::Ptr& variable)

Delete variable from the list of variables. Method doesn’t delete nodes that used this variable from the graph.



Variable to delete

const ov::op::util::VariableVector& get_variables() const

Return a list of model’s variables.

ov::op::util::Variable::Ptr get_variable_by_id(const std::string& variable_id) const

Return a variable by specified variable_id.